Refugees with Attitudes

Refugees with Attitudes

We are a small Berlin activist group. With our name we want to express that we want to take a resolute stance towards all forms of injustice, exploitation and oppression.

We formed in July 2019 and launched our first, joint actions under the title ‘Africa-Europe: together we are strong’. Further activities took place under the motto ‘Réenchanter l’Afrique’. Some of us are refugees and migrants and we have been active in refugee policy and other political issues for a long time.

  • We would like to contribute to the critique of neo-colonialism in  Germany and inform about exploitation and oppression in the African countries.
  • and we want to work to ensure that fundamental human rights in Germany without restriction also for refugees and migrants be valid.

Since summer of 2020, we have decided to focus on for refugees whose living conditions in Germany the most unbearable is: for refugees with chain toleration and those who live here without papers (more under Texts and Activities)


What we want

  • We are committed to a real and complete economic and political self-determination of African countries as well as to the spread of pan-African visions (more under Documents Pan-African Visions)
  • We stand up for a worldwide unrestricted right to freedom of movement and oppose all measures that restrict this fundamental right, such as the practice of ‘Fortress Europe’ (more under documents Right to freedom of movement)
  • We are committed to combating the prevailing practice of refugee and migration policy, which denies many of those affected a dignified life in Germany (more  under documents Toleration and work bans)